Miscellaneous Utilities

We’ve included a few bonus features that we find useful when developing django apps.

Collect SQL Command

This is a management command to extract SQL operations from your Django migrations and organize them into several master SQL scripts:

python manage.py collect_sql

This will extract any SQL statements passed to RunSQL operations and write them to current_indexes.sql, current_triggers.sql and current_functions.sql.

Migrate Manual Command

This is a management command to make it easier to run long-running Django data migrations manually. To make a migration compatible with this command, include a function called apply_manual which takes no parameters:

python manage.py migrate_manual flows 0123

This will manually run the migration in the flows app with the prefix 0123.

Django Compressor

Smartmin already comes with django-compressor support. The default base.html template will wrap your CSS and JS in {% compress %} tags in order to optimize your page load times.

If you want to enable this, you’ll just need to add compressor to your INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py:

  # .. other apps ..

And change the commented out {# compress #} tags in base.html to be valid, ie: {% compress %}.

PDB Template Tag

We all love pdb.set_trace() to help us debug problems, but sometimes you want to do the same thing in a template. The smartmin template tags include just that:

{% pdb %}

Will throw you into a pdb session when it hits that tag. You can examine variables in the session (including the request) and debug your template live.