Miscelaneous Utilities ======================== We've included a few bonus features that we find useful when developing django apps. Django Compressor =================== Smartmin already comes with django-compressor support. The default ``base.html`` template will wrap your CSS and JS in ``{% compress %}`` tags in order to optimize your page load times. If you want to enable this, you'll just need to add ``compressor`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` in ``settings.py``:: INSTALLED_APPS = ( # .. other apps .. 'compressor', ) And change the commented out ``{# compress #}`` tags in ``base.html`` to be valid, ie: ``{% compress %}``. pdb Template Tag =================== We all love ``pdb.set_trace()`` to help us debug problems, but sometimes you want to do the same thing in a template. The smartmin template tags include just that:: {% pdb %} Will throw you into a pdb session when it hits that tag. You can examine variables in the session (including the request) and debug your template live.